Monday, October 24, 2011

Tiger Face

O. sinica is a distinctive species, with stripes on the legs, and prominent eyespots on the carapace; the females' abdomen is unusually narrow, leaving the vulvae exposed. The legs are flattened at the end, and this is an adaptation to digging, not swimming.
The name Orithyia (also spelt Orithuja) commemorates Orithyia, daughter of Erechtheus, King of Athens.

close-up on a Tiger\x26#39;s face

Tiger Face Wallpaper

Bengal Tiger

and noble tiger\x26#39;s face.


A tighter crop on the face of

picture of a tiger ( which

View Full Size

Bengal Tiger Face, Panthera

up of a tiger\x26#39;s face with


Face Painting - An

tiger Face (in color)

Tiger\x26#39;s face wallpaper

Tiger Face (Panthera tigris

Eye of the Tiger

Snarling Tiger

especially the tiger face:

Tiger face Painting - Tiger

slideshow image

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